Saya ingat ketika saya disuruh menmbuat sebuah tugas bahasa Inggris tentang report text.Saya cukup bingung ketika itu mencarinya,karena saya kurang mengerti contoh textnya,dan judul apa yang akan saya buat.
Namun,setelah saya konsultasikan ke guru dan bertanya ke teman,akhirnya saya bisa menyelesaikan tugas tersebut.Dan kali ini akan saya share tugas text report tersebut di blog ini,yang judul report textnya adalah "Alligator"
Berikut adalah contoh report text singkat yang saya buat sendiri :
Alligator are ones of some many reptiles in the world.This reptile are strong and large.
is an animal that is still closely related to crocodiles . The name
alligator is taken from the Spanish el laganto.Superficially ,the
alligator looks reather like a crocodile.But,there are important differences with crocodile. Differences
with crocodile is looks from the mouth and teeth, alligator's mouth
look wider and teeth lips looks neat ,because this cover them. While the
crocodile’s mouth has a longer and formed a V, and a lot of their
teeths always out of the lips.
There are two species of alligator in the world. Chinese Alligator (Alligator sinensis) and American Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis).And there are two countries in the world can be founds alligator.There are in United States and the Republic of China.But in the Republic of China,the alligator to extinct from the world.This only live in the Yangtze River.The American Alligator can be founds in the United States from Carolina to Florida.In the forida there are about 1 million of alligator can be founds.American Alligator can be lives in freshwater , such as ponds, swamp, wet land and rivers.
There are two species of alligator in the world. Chinese Alligator (Alligator sinensis) and American Alligator (Alligator mississipiensis).And there are two countries in the world can be founds alligator.There are in United States and the Republic of China.But in the Republic of China,the alligator to extinct from the world.This only live in the Yangtze River.The American Alligator can be founds in the United States from Carolina to Florida.In the forida there are about 1 million of alligator can be founds.American Alligator can be lives in freshwater , such as ponds, swamp, wet land and rivers.
Alligator are carnivores animal. The main prey of alligators are smaller animals that they can kill and eat in one bite.This reptiles only reproduction in spring.In the spring when the waters are warm, this reptile can be to spawn for reproduction.
Itu dia contoh text report yang telah saya buat.Semoga bermanfaat,dan andapun bisa membuat report text yang lebih bagus dari miliki saya di atas.
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